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Role of Opposition:

India is in one of the countries who introduced the culture of argument and cross argument.If you have watched Ramayana or Mahabharata , there you can experience the culture of argument and cross argument.But in between argument and cross argument there is a place for appreciation and depreciation.
India has world's largest democracy and democracy is based on principle of argument and cross argument.So there must be place for appreciation and depreciation.
Appreciation and depreciation should not based on caste, religion or color but from their work or thought etc.
And all the democratic rules are not only applicable for common citizen but for the politicians as well.So these principles should be followed in parliament as well.But I have rarely seen the opposition party appreciate the party in power.While opposing they forget the benefit of the people they blindly opposing the ruling party.
They need to understand being an opposition, your responsibility is bigger than ruling government.
You should have to think whether the government is doing in favor of people or not, if yes then please support else please oppose and let us know what is wrong via media or any other medium.
Opposition should have caste-less, colorless opinion.But on reality scene is opposite.
Don't divide India on caste, but divide on basis poverty because by diving India on basis of  poverty, the improvement of poor people will faster.Government can identify the people who really need support for improvement.
Let see what is the future but if this will continue till next 20 more years then we can't roll back.

Jai Hind


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